Updates & Downloads
GPS 76 software version 2.20
as of February 25, 2005
Download Preloaded POI Database for GPS 76
If MapSource data is loaded to this unit, this unit's preloaded POI database will be erased. Please download the file below to recover this POI database. If you currently have MapSource data loaded into your GPS unit, it will be erased and replaced with this POI database.
Download (2.32 MB)
View installation instructions and system requirements
Change History
Changes made from version 2.10 to 2.20:
- French translation update.
Changes made from version 2.09 to 2.10:
- Fixed problem with changing elevation units. Users are now able to change to meters without having to restart the unit.
- New French translations.
Changes made from version 2.08 to 2.09:
- Eliminated possible shutoffs when repeatedly finding Cities or Points of Interest.
- Eliminated possibly storing bad data when starting a Goto, which would cause the unit to shut off and would prevent the unit from turning on again.
- Eliminated possible lockups when deleting all user waypoints.
- Added a Setup Routes item to the Routes main menu page which allows setting the route waypoint transitions to Manual. When set to Manual, routes will transition to the next waypoint only when instructed to do so by the user.
- Added a Setup NMEA output item to the Interface setup page menu when the Serial Data Format is set to NMEA. This allows setting the following for the NMEA output: the precision of the minutes field for lat/lon, the waypoint identifier format, and which groups of sentences to transmit. These settings allow compatibility with a wider range of NMEA-driven products including some older marine autopilots.
- Added receiving water depth through DBT NMEA input sentence.
- Added Location (both chosen & default formats) as choices for Medium and Large configurable fields.
- Added geocaching user waypoint symbols.
- Added more marine user waypoint symbols.
- Added new Point of Interest types when supported by the map data.
- Allowed finding duplicately-named cities by name across multiple maps of the same type if supported by the map data.
- Used depth (if it is being received through NMEA) when marking a waypoint.
- Used depth (if it is being received through NMEA) and altitude when creating the MOB waypoint.
- Display approaching waypoint messages longer when based on distance.
- Reset the Arrival alarm when the Arrival alarm distance is changed.
- Prevented possible corruption of time in GARMIN output format.
- Output correct week number in NMEA output format when operating through the end of a week.
- Added Croatian map datum.
- Changed Taiwan grid title from T67 to TM2.
- Removed displaying the hotel & motel reservation number when reviewing exit services.
- Changed threshold so that values greater than 9999 meters are displayed as kilometers. Previously this threshold was 999 meters.
- Improved the accuracy of the estimated accuracy value.
- Correctly turn Anchor Drag and Off Course alarms on and off on Alarms setup page.
- Correctly display the Mode after restoring defaults on the General setup page.
- Correctly display the map page when rapidly changing pages.
- Allowed the backlight to be turned on while a confirmation page is being displayed.
Changes made from version 2.07 to 2.08:
- Retain waypoint comments between power cycles.
- Changed the anchor drag alarm to sound every time the boat moves outside the anchor area.
- Changed the anchor drag alarm setting distance units from miles to feet.
- Display approaching waypoint messages longer when based on distance.
- Eliminated possible lockups when saving a track back through midnight or noon.
- Improved WAAS performance after long periods of shading for both WAAS and GPS satellites.
- Improved WAAS performance when GEO ephemeris is available but almanac has not yet been collected.
Changes made from version 2.06 to 2.07:
- Eliminated lockups at certain locations.
- Added waypoint comments. (When creating new waypoints, the comment will initially contain the date and time the waypoint was created.)
- Added Project Location option for waypoints.
- Added Append To Route option for waypoints to allow appending of waypoints to new and existing routes.
- Added Toggling between displaying chosen & default location formats on the GPS info page when a cursor key is pressed.
- Added new Swedish RT 90 location format.
- Increased the breadth of waypoint symbols that can be received through the serial port.
- Improved responsiveness of positioning in shaded conditions.
- Added display of the north reference source to bearing fields.
- Properly show times for tide stations with UTC offsets greater than +/- 9 hours.
- Allowed for all 4 digits of mils to be shown on the map feature review pages.
- Re-sort waypoint symbol selection list after changing the language.
- Changed confirmation box buttons on proximity page from OK & Cancel to Yes & No.
- Increased the number of copyrights that can be displayed from 4 to 5.
- Correctly get all copyrights strings from map data.
- Made the size of the degree symbol consistent between degree symbols with north reference indication (e.g. deg true, deg mag) and those without.
- Changed 'Map Location' text to 'Map Pointer'.
- Map datums automatically associated with location formats can no longer be changed.
- Changed Swedish and RT 90 location formats to have the northing on top and easting below and to use 'X' and 'Y' to indicate northing and easting instead of 'N' and 'O'.
- Improved the appearance of the pointer tail.
Changes made from version 2.05 to 2.06:
- Re-enabled hilghting of map features when panning on the map.
Changes made from version 2.04 to 2.05:
- Eliminated possible lockups when using WAAS.
- Eliminated possible lockups when the unit detects low batteries and attempts to shut off.
- Eliminated possible shutoffs when computing moon rise and set times for extreme latitudes.
- Eliminated repeated resetting of reference when measuring distance after the menu was exited with the ESC key.
- Eliminated occasional blanks at the end of lists when finding Points of Interest by name.
- Transfer more points to saved tracks when saving short track logs.
- Changed display of distances to have 2 digits to the right of the decimal point.
- Added support to display directions in mils.
- Changed anchor drag alarm tone to sound until the message is cleared by the user.
- Always display airports when available in map data.
- Added support for diacritic characters in map data.
- Display 'inaccurate result' message if there is an error calculating a tide.
- Completely removed transmission of Sonar sentence from NMEA output.
- Used user-entered magnetic variation if north reference is set to user when transmitting RMC and BOD NMEA sentences.
- Added indication of datum used by transmitting PGRMM NMEA sentence.
- Smoothed positioning when operating in areas of heavy shading when user has not entered an altitude.
- Changed name of existing Hu-Tzu-Shan datum to Taiwan.
- Added a new datum named Hu-Tzu-Shan which conforms to the published Taiwan map datum definition.
- Improved the initial accuracy estimate.
- Replaced Danish language with Norwegian.
Changes made from version 2.03 to 2.04:
- Correctly determine the date the first time satellites are acquired after the unit has been stored without batteries.
Changes made from version 2.02 to 2.03:
- Correctly determined when and where the map should be drawn.
- Ensured the maps are drawn after transferring maps from MapSource to the unit, and when displaying the map page the first time after turning the unit on.
- Only displayed maps that were not completely covered by other maps.
- If only one map contained the points being searched for, used it even if not selected by the user.
- Improved a few Swedish translations.
Changes made from version 2.01 to 2.02:
- Prevented scrambled screens when pressing the NAV key twice.
- Prevented default Loran TD setup from being invalid.
- Allowed panning on map in all 8 directions on all units.
- Reported actual available size for maps to MapSource.
- Displayed tide station times using the daylight saving time setting.
- Corrected display of tides for stations that have a tide height bias.
- Stored saved track point locations so that they don't move when being transferred back and forth between the unit and a PC.
- Increased elevation display from 4 to 5 digits and prevented it from switching to kilofeet or kilometers.
- Remembered highlight position in list when reviewing waypoints on the route page.
- Added feature to compute the area enclosed by a saved track.
- Allowed finding Manmade Places, Water Features, and Land Features Points of Interest when available in map data.
- Controlled bearing line separately from other navigation lines in map setup.
- Displayed GPS status on Pointer page and Highway page when not navigating.
- Displayed services available at Fishing Hot Spots facilities.
- Displayed TracBack points as 'BEGIN, TURN 1, TURN 2...END' instead of 'TURN, TURN...'.
- Reduced occurrences and improved handling of 'None Found' messages when finding points.
- Stored map setup changes when exiting map setup instead of when turning unit off.
- Added highlight timeout when panning on maps.
- Stored Normal or Battery Saver mode when selected after Simulator mode.
- Allowed finding Exits.
- Stored all the track log points specified when saving a track.
- Removed transmitting Sonar information on NMEA output.
Installation Instructions
- It is recommended that you disable screen savers or other programs running on your PC while you go through the update process. Disruptions to the update process may render your GPS inoperable. If the transfer is interrupted, turn off the GPS and then turn it back on. Reboot your PC, go to step #9 and attempt the download again. GARMIN is not responsible for failed downloads of operating software to the GPS and factory resetting the GPS unit will fall under our Flat Rate Repair Policy.
- Click on "Download" and choose to save the file to your computer.
- Choose a location where you can easily locate the file by saving it to a location such as the "My Documents" folder or to "C:\".
- Once the download is complete, go to the location where you saved the file.
- Locate the downloaded file and double-click on it. This will launch the Win-Zip Self Extractor. This program compresses the data to allow for a faster download of the needed files.
- A program window will appear asking you where to "Un-zip" the files. This is by default C:\Garmin. You can change this location if you like. Be sure to note where the un-zipped files are going to allow you to find them!
- Click on the button labeled "Un-zip".
- Once the un-zip process is complete, click on the "Close" button to exit the Win-Zip Self Extractor.
- Open the C:\Garmin (or other folder where you un-zipped the files), locate the file named "Updater" and double click on it.
- Connect your GPS to your computer using a GARMIN PC Interface cable to an open serial port. Turn the GPS on, place it in Simulator mode (refer to your owner's manual for instructions) and verify that the Interface Mode (found under the Main Menu page, refer to your owner's manual for instructions) is set to GARMIN, GRMN, GRMN/GRMN, or Data Transfer/Host mode.
- Click on the "OK" button on the Updater program window to start the data transfer.
System requirements
- IBM-compatible PC running Windows 2000 or later operating system and an available Com 1, 2, 3, or 4 port.
- PC Interface Cable for your GPS unit. The PC Interface Cable may be purchased through your local Garmin distributor or ordered direct from our Online Store.