Updates & Downloads
GPS 17N software version 2.90
as of August 31, 2009
Serial Port
Download (527 KB)
View download instructions and system requirements
USB Card Programmer
Download (466 KB)
View download instructions and system requirements
- If the GPS 17N is installed with a GPSMAP 2006/2010, this software is not needed. The update software for the GPS 17N is included with the GPSMAP 2006/2010 USB card programmer update software.
- The currently installed software version is available via the PGRMT NMEA sentence.
- The PGRMT sentence can be enabled by transmitting the following command string to the GPS17N using a terminal program:
- If the GPS 17N is installed with a GMAP 2006/2010, the software version can be obtained by completing the following steps:
- Press the MENU key to access the Main Menu.
- Press the DOWN ARROW key until the System tab is selected.
- Press the key below the "System Inf" caption.
- The GPS 17N software version will be displayed on the screen
labeled "Antenna".
- Any units with software version 2.03 or lower will have all nonvolatile memory erased when version 2.04 or later is loaded.
Change History
Changes made from version 2.80 to 2.90:
- Modified proprietary binary output data format to fix incorrect date/time calculation on some Garmin marine products.
Changes made from version 2.70 to 2.80:
- Fixed SBAS compatibility issue with Japanese MSAS system
- Drop WAAS satellites that are not transmitting useful data
Changes made from version 2.60 to 2.70:
- Improved SBAS search and selection process.
Changes made from version 2.40 to 2.60:
- Updated for use with Garmin marine products.
Changes made from version 2.30 to 2.40:
- Altitude is now validated during first-fix processing.
- Improved EPH during transition from non-differential fix to a differential fix.
- Added ability to turn position averaging on and off via a Garmin or NMEA command.
- Vertical filter in now allowed to be disabled via the PGRMC sentence.
- Enhanced first-fix processing.
- Changed software version to 2.40.
Changes made from version 2.20 to 2.30:
- Improved non-volatile memory storage of WAAS/EGNOS ionospheric mask corrections.
Changes made from version 2.11 to 2.20:
- Improved WAAS/EGNOS satellite selection algorithm to select the satellite with the most beneficial corrections given the unit's current position. Units will not use a WAAS/EGNOS satellite if the unit's current position is outside of a given WAAS/EGNOS satellite's service volume.
Changes made from version 2.10 to 2.11:
- Removed position pinning. Position pinning remains off regardless of the PGRMC1 sentence command.
- Fixed problem with saving unit position in nonvolatile memory upon first fix.
Changes made from version 2.09 to 2.10:
- Added automatic position averaging when stopped.
Changes made from version 2.08 to 2.09:
- Added support for ephemeris download.
- Fixed problems where leading zeros were not being transmitted in certain fields of GPRMC and GPVTG.
- Improve eph estimate for WAAS DGPS fixes.
Changes made from version 2.07 to 2.08:
- Made improvements to alleviate the 'LOST GPS FIX' messages that were occurring on the West Coast.
Changes made from version 2.06 to 2.07:
- Fixed problem where WAAS processing could cause the unit to lock up.
Changes made from version 2.05 to 2.06:
- Fixed problem where WAAS processing could cause the unit to lock up if tracking more than one WAAS satellite
Changes made from version 2.04 to 2.05:
- Implement better validity checking on dates to prevent the date from being incorrectly set far in the future.
- Improved NMEA sentence processing to prevent long dropouts in the NMEA sentence stream.