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G5 Electronic Flight Instrument (Microsoft Windows Installer) software version 8.52
as of August 12, 2024
View installation instructions
Change History
Changes made from version 8.44 to 8.52:
- Changed NMEA output to support GTR 205 and GNC 215
- Improve flight data logging
- General improvements to system operation
- Includes GSA 28 software version 5.70
- Includes GMC 507 software version 5.00
- Includes GMC 507 audio database version 5.00
- Includes G5 boot block software version 2.40
- Includes GMU 11 software version 2.20
- Includes GMU 11 boot block software version 2.10
- Includes GAD 13 software version 2.10
- Includes GAD 29 software version 3.40
- Includes GAD 29C/D software version 2.10
- Includes IGRF database base year 2020
Changes made from version 8.30 to 8.44:
- Added support for GHA 15 radar height advisor in G3X Touch integrated system
- Added voice audio alerts for ESP pitch and roll protection activity
- Changed to show ram air temperature when OAT data is invalid
- Improve flight data logging
- Improve GSA 28 engagement operation
- General improvements to system operation
- Includes update to GSA 28 software version 5.70
- Includes update to GMC 507 software version 5.00
- Includes update to GMC 507 audio database version 5.00
- Includes G5 boot block software version 2.40
- Includes GMU 11 software version 2.20
- Includes GMU 11 boot block software version 2.10
- Includes GAD 13 software version 2.10
- Includes GAD 29 software version 3.40
- Includes GAD 29C/D software version 2.10
- Includes IGRF database base year 2020
Changes made from version 8.17 to 8.30:
- Improve flight director HDG and TRK modes
- Improve flight director VNAV mode performance
- Improve battery gauge display
- Improve HSI display
- Improve flight data logging
- General improvements to system operation
- Includes update to GSA 28 software version 5.50
- Includes G5 boot block software verison 2.40
- Includes GMU 11 software version 2.20
- Includes GMU 11 boot block software version 2.10
- Includes GAD 13 software version 2.10
- Includes GAD 29 software version 3.40
- Includes GAD 29C/D software version 2.10
- Includes GMC 507 software version 3.10
- Includes IGRF database base year 2020
Changes made from version 8.16 to 8.17:
- Correct GSA 28 hardware monitoring
- Improve software loading with some SD cards
- Includes update to G5 boot block verison 2.40
- Includes update to GSA 28 software version 5.30/2.60
- Includes GMU 11 software version 2.20
- Includes GMU 11 boot block software version 2.10
- Includes GAD 13 software version 2.10
- Includes GAD 29 software version 3.40
- Includes GAD 29C/D software version 2.10
- Includes GMC 507 software version 3.10
- Includes IGRF database base year 2020
Changes made from version 8.00 to 8.16:
- Add optional audio alert for high-airspeed condition
- Add optional Auto Track/Heading selection for HSI display
- Add ability to disable ESP by holding AP DISC button for 5 seconds
- Add display of altitude minimums bug when integrated with G3X
- Improve GSA 28 hardware monitoring
- Improve ESP operation
- Improve data logging
- Improve diagnostic pages
- Improve LRU software update process
- Improve MapMX RS-232 interface
- Improve winds display
- General improvements to system operation
- Includes update to GMU 11 software version 2.20
- Includes update to GMU 11 boot block software version 2.10
- Includes update to GSA 28 software version 5.20/2.50
- Includes GAD 13 software version 2.10
- Includes GAD 29 software version 3.40
- Includes GAD 29C/D software version 2.10
- Includes GMC 507 software version 3.10
- Includes IGRF database base year 2020
Changes made from version 7.10 to 8.00:
- Added support for Smart Glide
- Added ability to simultaneously arm flight director VNAV along with GP or GS mode
- Added additional data to SD card flight data logging
- Added notification of missing/undetected battery (requires configuration change)
- Added support for GMC 507 flight control monitors
- Added menu option to diagnostic page to access AFCS diagnostic log
- Added support for LP+V CDI scale
- Improved AFCS operation with blocked pitot tube
- Adjusted appearance of dual cue flight director
- General improvements to system operation
- Includes update to GMC 507 software version 3.10
- Includes update to GAD 13 software version 2.10
- Includes update to GAD 29C software version 2.10
- Includes GSA 28 software version 4.90/2.20
- Includes GAD 29 software version 3.40
Changes made from version 6.76 to 7.10:
- Added support for GAD 29C GPS/Navigation data interface adapter
- Added additional data to SD card flight data logging
- Improved NMEA GPRMC sentence output
- Improved heading display when true direction is selected
- Improved ARINC 429 label output
- Improved battery charging control
- General improvements to system operation
- Includes update to GSA 28 software version 4.90
- Includes update to GAD 29 software version 3.40
- Includes GMU 11 software version 2.10
- Includes GMC 507 software version 2.90
Changes made from version 6.75 to 6.76:
- Added support for new battery model
- Includes GSA 28 software version 4.70
- Includes GAD 29 software version 3.30
- Includes GMU 11 software version 2.10
- Includes GMC 507 software version 2.90
Changes made from version 6.30 to 6.75:
- Update IGRF Model to 2020
- Added support to never automatically power off unit on battery
- Improved VLOC navigation aiding
- Added autopilot option for trim speed control using true airspeed
- Improved navigation source selection from G5 #2
- Improved density altitude display
- Improved NMEA GPRMC sentence output
- Added support for Piper Altimatic IIIC autopilot
- Improved processing of RS-232 VLOC navigation data in G3X system
- General improvements to system operation
- Includes update to GSA 28 software version 4.70
- Includes update to GAD 29 software version 3.30
- Includes update to GMU 11 software version 2.10
- Includes GMC 507 software version 2.90
- Includes GMU 11 software version 2.00
Changes made from version 6.20 to 6.30:
- Added support for G3X system configurations with no ADAHRS LRUs
- Added support for sending GAD 13 OAT data over ARINC 429
- Improved SD card flight data logging
- General improvements to system operation
- Includes update to GAD 29 software version 3.20
- Includes GMC 507 software version 2.80
- Includes GSA 28 software version 4.40
- Includes GMU 11 software version 2.00
Changes made from version 6.10 to 6.20:
- Added additional expert-level autopilot gain configuration
- Changed to allow GPSS for all configured GPS navigation sources
- Improved GPS data processing
- Improved flight director VOR/LOC capture during post-installation ground test
- Improved powerdown process
- General improvements to system operation
- Includes update to GSA 28 software version 4.40
- Includes GAD 29 software version 3.10
- Includes GMC 507 software version 2.80
- Includes GMU 11 software version 2.00
Changes made from version 6.00 to 6.10:
- Added outside air temperature and true airspeed display to PFD page
- Added density altitude display to PFD page when not airborne
- Added wind display to HSI page
- Added option for larger HSI display
- Added display of selected course to HSI page, replacing groundspeed field
- Added status message to indicate when an LRU software update is in progress
- Added attitude diagnostic page
- Added ''Airdata'' ARINC 429 input format
- Improved formatting of position fields in NMEA RS-232 output
- General improvements to system operation
- Includes GAD 29 software version 3.10
- Includes GMC 507 software version 2.80
- Includes GMU 11 software version 2.00
- Includes GSA 28 software version 4.30
Changes made from version 5.70 to 6.00:
- Improved VLOC2 selected course control
- Improved VOR TO/FROM flag operation for NAV radios connected via RS-232
- General improvements to system operation
- Includes update to GAD 29 software version 3.10
- Includes update to GMC 507 software version 2.80
- Includes update to GSA 28 software version 4.30
- Includes GMU 11 software version 2.00
Changes made from version 5.60 to 5.70:
- Improved GMC 507 pre-flight test processing
- General improvements to system operation
- Includes update to GMC 507 software version 2.60
- Includes GAD 29 software version 3.00
- Includes GMU 11 software version 2.00
- Includes GSA 28 software version 4.10
Changes made from version 5.50 to 5.60:
- Improved contrast of vertical deviation indicator
- Improved flight director command display across multiple displays that use different attitude sources
- Improved NMEA date/time output prior to initial GPS fix
- General improvements to system operation
- Includes update to GMC 507 software version 2.50
- Includes GAD 29 software version 3.00
- Includes GMU 11 software version 2.00
- Includes GSA 28 software version 4.10
Changes made from version 5.30 to 5.50:
- Added support for GTN VNAV guidance
- General improvements to system operation
- Includes update to GMC 507 software version 2.40
- Includes GAD 29 software version 3.00
- Includes GMU 11 software version 2.00
- Includes GSA 28 software version 4.10
Changes made from version 5.20 to 5.30:
- Added config mode indication when GMC 507 attitude calibration has not been performed
- Added config mode indication that aircraft is in motion during magnetometer calibration
- Improved CAN bus error reporting
- Improved VHF NAV radio RS-232 OBS course data output
- Improved GMC 30x annunciator light processing
- General improvements to system operation
- Includes update to GMC 507 software version 2.30
- Includes GAD 29 software version 3.00
- Includes GMU 11 software version 2.00
- Includes GSA 28 software version 4.10
Changes made from version 5.10 to 5.20:
- Improved GSA 28 data processing in non-certified installations
- Improved GAD 29B analog heading/course datum outputs
- Improved battery status display
- Changed glideslope deviation to be hidden when not flying inbound on localizer course
- Changes for certified aircraft installation
- General improvements to system operation
- Includes update to GMC 507 software version 2.20
- Includes update to GSA 28 software version 4.10
- Includes GAD 29 software version 3.00
- Includes GMU 11 software version 2.00
Changes made from version 4.10 to 5.10:
- Added option to display roll reference markers for standard-rate turn
- Added support for GMC 507 AFCS mode control panel
- Added support for flight director VOR, LOC, and GS modes
- Added display of AFCS pre-flight test status
- Added display of vertical speed required for VNAV
- Added ability to display AFCS data on all displays when multiple displays are present
- Improved status message display
- Improved ESP operation
- Improved integration with G3X displays
- Changed glideslope deviation to be hidden when not flying inbound on localizer course
- General improvements to system operation
- Includes update to GMC 507 software version 2.10
- Includes update to GSA 28 software version 4.00
- Includes GAD 29 software version 3.00
- Includes GMU 11 software version 2.00
Changes made from version 3.20 to 4.10:
- Added support for Electronic Stability Protection (ESP) when using Garmin autopilot servos
- Added support for GAD 29B and analog autopilot interface with GPSS
- Added support for multiple sources of navigation data
- Added option to configure roll indicator for sky pointer or ground pointer
- Added ability to adjust pitch/roll calibration without leveling aircraft
- Added ability to configure unit yaw installation offset for use in angled panels
- Added display of battery status on backlight adjustment page
- Added 'EFIS/Airdata 2' ARINC 429 output format
- Changed battery status display when battery is unable to charge
- Changed selected track bug symbol
- Improved heading tape bug indicator display
- Improved altitude display when adjusting baro setting
- Improved AFCS status display
- Improved AFCS configuration pages
- Improved HSI page data field display
- Improved configuration of hectopascal pressure units
- General improvements to system operation
- Includes GAD 29 software version 3.00
- Includes GMU 11 software version 2.00
- Includes GSA 28 software version 3.20
Changes made from version 3.10 to 3.20:
- Improved display of battery status
- Improved attitude calculation
- General improvements to system operation
- Includes GAD29 software version 2.30
- Includes GMU11 software version 2.00
- Includes GSA28 software version 3.20
Changes made from version 3.00 to 3.10:
- Corrected display of power-down message when aircraft power is restored
- General improvements to system operation
- Includes GAD29 software version 2.30
- Includes GMU11 software version 2.00
- Includes GSA28 software version 3.20
Changes made from version 2.70 to 3.00:
- Added support for GMU11 magnetometer
- Added ability to reset to factory defaults
- Added auto-slew support to sync VLOC course when switching from GPS to VLOC
- Improved VHF radio VOR bearing display
- Improved Autopilot Trim annunciation
- Improved display of HDG and GPS fields on PFD
- Improved display of LOI/DR and MSG/WPT indicators on HSI
- Save PFD heading bug, track bug, and VLOC course through power cycles
- General improvements to system operation
- Includes GAD29 software version 2.30
- Includes GMU11 software version 2.00
- Includes GSA28 software version 3.20
Changes made from version 2.60 to 2.70:
- Improved GPS aiding from GTN and GNS navigators
- Improved flight director ALT mode performance
- General improvements to system operation
- Includes GSA28 software version 3.20
Changes made from version 2.50 to 2.60:
- Added configuration option to disable VLOC course selection on standalone unit
- Changed VLOC course to use decoded OBS setting from MapMX input, if available
- Changed flight director TO mode to disengage autopilot when activated
- Changed flight director GA mode to disengage autopilot if minimum airspeed limit is not configured
- Improved attitude calculation
- General improvements to system operation
- Includes GSA 28 software version 3.20
Changes made from version 2.40 to 2.50:
- Added configurable ability to return to PFD page when aircraft enters an extreme attitude
- Added ''VFR'' CDI annunciation when not receiving ARINC 429 GPS navigation data
- Improved attitude data calculation
- Improved display of ARINC 429 glideslope deviation
- Improved MapMX RS-232 input processing
- Improved visibility of deviation fields
- General improvements to system operation
- Includes GSA 28 software version 3.20
Changes made from version 2.20 to 2.40:
- Added display of CDI scale and GPS navigation source annunciations to HSI
- Added support for Text Out RS-232 format
- Added configuration setting to allow display of navigation data with a GDU display is present
- Added configuration setting to hide HSI page
- Added configuration setting to hide navigation data
- Added configuration setting to inhibit user pitch offset
- Added synchronization of TRK bug between multiple units
- Improved flight director GPS mode when IFR GPS is navigating a heading leg
- Improved attitude sensor processing
- Improved GPS receiver performance
- Improved GSA 28 software update process
- Improved visibility of VNAV deviation indicator
- Improved horizontal and vertical deviation data
- General improvements to system operation
- Includes GSA 28 software version 3.20
Installation Instructions
- Download the self-extracting update file onto your hard drive.
- Insert a FAT32-formatted micro SD card with at least 20 MB of free space into your card reader.
- Open the self-extracting update file and follow the instructions provided by the installer application. You will be prompted to specify the drive letter of the SD card you wish to use for the update. When the transfer is complete, safely eject the SD card.
- Apply power to your G5 Electronic Flight Instrument.
- Insert the SD card containing the software update. You will be prompted to confirm before the update is installed.
- During the software update, the G5 will indicate ''Loading''. Do not remove power during the update process.
- When the update is completed, the G5 will reset itself and turn on normally.
- Repeat steps 5-7 for each G5 unit in the aircraft.