
Primary colors should be chosen in contrast to the device. (e.g., white device on a gray background).

  • CMYK 66 59 58 41
    RGB 71 71 71
    HEX #484848
    PMS cool gray 11c
  • CMYK 0 0 0 0
    RGB 255 255 255
    HEX #ffffff


Secondary colors do not dominate the layout. They should only be used as an accent color. Never use more than 1 secondary color with the primary colors. Secondary colors should be used for device tags with the Beat Yesterday lockup. The colors can be used interchangeably and should never solely represent a specific device.

  • CMYK 61 0 16 0
    RGB 77 197 214
    HEX #4dc5d6
    PMS 305
  • CMYK 0 90 24 0
    RGB 238 62 123
    HEX #ee3e7b
    PMS 205
  • CMYK 13 10 83 0
    RGB 227 211 78
    HEX #e3d34e
    PMS 610
  • CMYK 2 53 94 0
    RGB 242 142 44
    HEX #f28e2c
    PMS 715
  • CMYK 49 0 90 0
    RGB 142 199 81
    HEX #8ec751
    PMS 375
  • CMYK 29 54 0 0
    RGB 181 132 187
    HEX #b584bb
    PMS 7440
  • CMYK 61 0 45 0
    RGB 94 194 165
    HEX #5ec2a5
    PMS 338

Moving Forward

Colors will evolve as the campaign evolves. Secondary colors may become primary colors. Please consult this digital guide for updated guidelines and work samples.