basemap comes factory installed with the 400 and 500 series aviation panel
mount products, specifically the GNS
530, GNS 430, GNC
420, GPS 400 and GPS
Please note:
Garmin mapping units come with built-in, permanent basemaps that cannot
be altered. These basemaps come in a variety of global designations (ie.,
Atlantic basemap). Please see your local
dealer when purchasing a Garmin mapping unit to ensure that you purchase
one with a basemap that's appropriate for your location and needs. Factory-installed
basemaps cannot be altered.
Worldwide Land basemap includes the United States, Alaska, Canada, Mexico,
Central and South America, Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia, and Oceania.
Also, included is a high-level worldwide map with political boundaries
and major cities. The internal basemap is permanent and cannot be updated
or upgraded.
standard map coverage
- Oceans, rivers
and lakes (greater than 30 sq. miles)
- Principal cities
and a small amount of smaller cities and towns
- Major interstates
and principal highways
- Political boundaries
(state and international borders)
- United
States—In addition to the standard map coverage, it
also includes:
- Small lakes,
major streams and rivers
- Principal urban
areas (including Alaska and Hawaii)
- Railroads
- National and
State level roads, plus some local roads in or near urban areas
- More detailed
- Small cities
and towns
- Alaska—In
addition to the standard map coverage, it also includes:
- National and
State level roads, plus some local roads in or near urban areas
- Lakes greater
than 5 square miles
- Small cities
and towns
- Railroads
- Canada—In
addition to the standard map coverage, it also includes:
- Lakes greater
than 5 square miles (Southern Canada)
- Lakes greater
than 10 square miles (Central Canada)
- Railroads
- Western
Europe, South Africa, Australia, and Oceania - In addition
to the standard map coverage, it also includes:
- Small lakes,
major streams and rivers
- Urban areas
- Railroads
- Regional arterial
- Small cities
and towns
- Southeast
Asia, China and Japan - In addition to the standard map coverage,
it also includes:
- Lakes greater
than 10 square miles
- Large urban
- Small cities
and towns
- Mexico,
Central and South America
- Standard Map