Worldwide Land Basemap:

This basemap comes factory installed with the 400 and 500 series aviation panel mount products, specifically the GNS 530, GNS 430, GNC 420, GPS 400 and GPS 500.

Please note: Garmin mapping units come with built-in, permanent basemaps that cannot be altered. These basemaps come in a variety of global designations (ie., Atlantic basemap). Please see your local dealer when purchasing a Garmin mapping unit to ensure that you purchase one with a basemap that's appropriate for your location and needs. Factory-installed basemaps cannot be altered.

The Worldwide Land basemap includes the United States, Alaska, Canada, Mexico, Central and South America, Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia, and Oceania. Also, included is a high-level worldwide map with political boundaries and major cities. The internal basemap is permanent and cannot be updated or upgraded.

The standard map coverage includes:

  1. Oceans, rivers and lakes (greater than 30 sq. miles)
  2. Principal cities and a small amount of smaller cities and towns
  3. Major interstates and principal highways
  4. Political boundaries (state and international borders)
  1. United States—In addition to the standard map coverage, it also includes:
    1. Small lakes, major streams and rivers
    2. Principal urban areas (including Alaska and Hawaii)
    3. Railroads
    4. National and State level roads, plus some local roads in or near urban areas
    5. More detailed coastline
    6. Small cities and towns
  2. Alaska—In addition to the standard map coverage, it also includes:
    1. National and State level roads, plus some local roads in or near urban areas
    2. Lakes greater than 5 square miles
    3. Small cities and towns
    4. Railroads
  3. Canada—In addition to the standard map coverage, it also includes:
    1. Lakes greater than 5 square miles (Southern Canada)
    2. Lakes greater than 10 square miles (Central Canada)
    3. Railroads
  4. Western Europe, South Africa, Australia, and Oceania - In addition to the standard map coverage, it also includes:
    1. Small lakes, major streams and rivers
    2. Urban areas
    3. Railroads
    4. Regional arterial roadways
    5. Small cities and towns
  5. Southeast Asia, China and Japan - In addition to the standard map coverage, it also includes:
    1. Lakes greater than 10 square miles
    2. Large urban areas
    3. Small cities and towns
  6. Mexico, Central and South America
    1. Standard Map Coverage
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