Download the Simple Text Output Protocol.

Simple Text Output Format:

The simple text (ASCII) output contains time, position, and velocity data in
the fixed width fields (not delimited) defined in the following table:

    ----------------------- ------- ------------------------
    Sentence start          1       Always '@'
    ----------------------- ------- ------------------------
   /Year                    2       Last two digits of UTC year
  | ----------------------- ------- ------------------------
  | Month                   2       UTC month, "01".."12"
T | ----------------------- ------- ------------------------
i | Day                     2       UTC day of month, "01".."31"
m | ----------------------- ------- ------------------------
e | Hour                    2       UTC hour, "00".."23"
  | ----------------------- ------- ------------------------
  | Minute                  2       UTC minute, "00".."59"
  | ----------------------- ------- ------------------------
   \Second                  2       UTC second, "00".."59"
    ----------------------- ------- ------------------------
   /Latitude hemisphere     1       'N' or 'S'
  | ----------------------- ------- ------------------------
  | Latitude position       7       WGS84 ddmmmmm, with an implied
  |                                 decimal after the 4th digit
  | ----------------------- ------- ------------------------
  | Longitude hemishpere    1       'E' or 'W'
  | ----------------------- ------- ------------------------
  | Longitude position      8       WGS84 dddmmmmm with an implied
P |                                 decimal after the 5th digit
o | ----------------------- ------- ------------------------
s | Position status         1       'd' if current 2D differential GPS position
i |                                 'D' if current 3D differential GPS position
t |                                 'g' if current 2D GPS position
i |                                 'G' if current 3D GPS position
o |                                 'S' if simulated position
n |                                 '_' if invalid position
  | ----------------------- ------- ------------------------
  | Horizontal posn error   3       EPH in meters
  | ----------------------- ------- ------------------------
  | Altitude sign           1       '+' or '-'
  | ----------------------- ------- ------------------------
  | Altitude                5       Height above or below mean
   \                                sea level in meters
    ----------------------- ------- ------------------------
   /East/West velocity      1       'E' or 'W'
  |     direction
  | ----------------------- ------- ------------------------
  | East/West velocity      4       Meters per second in tenths,
  |     magnitude                   ("1234" = 123.4 m/s)
V | ----------------------- ------- ------------------------
e | North/South velocity    1       'N' or 'S'
l |     direction
o | ----------------------- ------- ------------------------
c | North/South velocity    4       Meters per second in tenths,
i |     magnitude                   ("1234" = 123.4 m/s)
t | ----------------------- ------- ------------------------
y | Vertical velocity       1       'U' (up) or 'D' (down)
  |     direction
  | ----------------------- ------- ------------------------
  | Vertical velocity       4       Meters per second in hundredths,
   \    magnitude                   ("1234" = 12.34 m/s)
    ----------------------- ------- ------------------------
    Sentence end            2       Carriage return, '0x0D', and
                                    line feed, '0x0A'
    ----------------------- ------- ------------------------

If a numeric value does not fill its entire field width, the field is padded
with leading '0's (eg. an altitude of 50 meters above MSL will be output as

Any or all of the data in the text sentence (except for the sentence start
and sentence end fields) may be replaced with underscores to indicate
invalid data.